Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

  • Program: Inria International Partner

  • Title: Sophia-Antipolis ARgonne DIfferentiation INitiativE

  • Inria principal investigator: Laurent Hascoët

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Argonne National Laboratory (USA) - Math and Computer Science - Paul Hovland

  • Duration: 2012 - 2013

  • We study theoretical and computer science aspects of Automatic Differentiation (AD) by source transformation. In the context of the adjoint mode of AD, which computes gradients, we focus on the storage-recomputation tradeoffs that are the key to efficiency. We also focus on the correct AD of message-passing communication calls that are found in parallel application. A third goal is the use into Uncertainty Quantification of higher-order derivatives produced through AD. From the point of view of tool development, we aim at building interfaces to bridge between the AD tools of our teams, OpenAD and tapenade .

Inria International Labs

The team participates in the JLPC, together with our colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory. Laurent Hascoët attended the JLPC meeting in Lyon on june 12-14, and presented our works on the adjoint of MPI-II one-sided communications. The team co-organizes and will host the next JLPC meeting in june 2014 in Sophia-Antipolis.